MP: parents with many children now have to confirm their children's support to get a deferral

MP: parents with many children now have to confirm their children's support to get a deferral

Men with many children now need to prove notarized that they really support their children. Otherwise, they may not receive a deferral from mobilization. This was stated by MP Ihor Fris.

“The conscript and the father of three minor children was found fit for military service. According to the mobilization law, he should automatically receive a deferral from mobilization. His children are born from two women from whom the man is divorced, does not live, but continues to financially support the children. What did the TCC come up with? They additionally require an agreement between the man and his ex-spouse stating that he participates in the maintenance of his minor children,” said the MP.

Government Resolution No. 560 mentions a written agreement between the parents, which must specify with whom the children will live and the degree of participation of the other parent in their upbringing.

Fris considers this requirement to be illegal. 

“By this resolution, the government has introduced additional requirements for conscripts to confirm certain legal facts and documents, which is regarded as an excess of the norms and provisions of the law (on mobilization),” the MP said. 

Men with many children now need to prove notarized that they really support their children. Otherwise, they may not receive a deferral from mobilization. This was stated by MP Ihor Fris.

“The conscript and the father of three minor children was found fit for military service. According to the mobilization law, he should automatically receive a deferral from mobilization. His children are born from two women from whom the man is divorced, does not live, but continues to financially support the children. What did the TCC come up with? They additionally require an agreement between the man and his ex-spouse stating that he participates in the maintenance of his minor children,” said the MP.

Government Resolution No. 560 mentions a written agreement between the parents, which must specify with whom the children will live and the degree of participation of the other parent in their upbringing.

Fris considers this requirement to be illegal. 

“By this resolution, the government has introduced additional requirements for conscripts to confirm certain legal facts and documents, which is regarded as an excess of the norms and provisions of the law (on mobilization),” the MP said.