Power outages in Kyiv: planned schedules canceled, emergency measures introduced

Power outages in Kyiv: planned schedules canceled, emergency measures introduced

Emergency power outages have been introduced in Kyiv today, June 4, as scheduled outages are temporarily not in effect. This was announced on his Facebook page by YASNO CEO Serhiy Kovalenko.



Kovalenko said that Kyiv had exceeded the established consumption limits, forcing Ukrenergo to resort to emergency blackouts.

Scheduled outages are not currently in effect.

Yesterday, residents of the capital were warned about an increase in electricity shortage. As a result, more restrictions were planned for today, including the “light gray” zone from the schedules.

Emergency power outages have been introduced in Kyiv today, June 4, as scheduled outages are temporarily not in effect. This was announced on his Facebook page by YASNO CEO Serhiy Kovalenko.


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Kovalenko said that Kyiv had exceeded the established consumption limits, forcing Ukrenergo to resort to emergency blackouts.

Scheduled outages are not currently in effect.

Yesterday, residents of the capital were warned about an increase in electricity shortage. As a result, more restrictions were planned for today, including the “light gray” zone from the schedules.