Lubinets reports a case of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners of war: details

Lubinets reports a case of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners of war: details

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets has reported a case of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners of war by the Russians and published a video.

“A video showing Russian soldiers abusing Ukrainian prisoners of war is spreading online. According to preliminary information, this happened in the Kharkiv direction, where Russians are trying to conduct offensive actions. The video shows beatings, humiliation, threats, and an imitation of execution,” Lubinets wrote.

He states that such actions are a violation of the Geneva Conventions, according to which prisoners of war have the right to humane treatment.

“I have sent official letters to the ICRC and the UN to document the fact of the abuse,” Lubinets said.


The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets has reported a case of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners of war by the Russians and published a video.

“A video showing Russian soldiers abusing Ukrainian prisoners of war is spreading online. According to preliminary information, this happened in the Kharkiv direction, where Russians are trying to conduct offensive actions. The video shows beatings, humiliation, threats, and an imitation of execution,” Lubinets wrote.

He states that such actions are a violation of the Geneva Conventions, according to which prisoners of war have the right to humane treatment.

“I have sent official letters to the ICRC and the UN to document the fact of the abuse,” Lubinets said.


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