A high-explosive aerial bomb weighing one and a half tons hit a village in Kharkiv region

A high-explosive aerial bomb weighing one and a half tons hit a village in Kharkiv region

The village of Monachynivka near Kupyansk was hit by a high-explosive aerial bomb weighing one and a half tons. This was reported by Kharkiv police.

“Everything around shook as if an earthquake had started. An entire street was destroyed with one blow. Weapons of such power were used against us for the first time,” said Serhiy Bolvinov, head of the local Investigation Department.

Bolvinov notes that the Russians equipped the FAB 1500 with a special module so that the bomb could plan in the air after being launched from an aircraft.

An elderly woman died as a result of the strike.


The village of Monachynivka near Kupyansk was hit by a high-explosive aerial bomb weighing one and a half tons. This was reported by Kharkiv police.

“Everything around shook as if an earthquake had started. An entire street was destroyed with one blow. Weapons of such power were used against us for the first time,” said Serhiy Bolvinov, head of the local Investigation Department.

Bolvinov notes that the Russians equipped the FAB 1500 with a special module so that the bomb could plan in the air after being launched from an aircraft.

An elderly woman died as a result of the strike.


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